Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Record Business Top 100 charts

Superpop Top 100 June 1979 to January 1980

I'm interested in music charts in general, not just those used by the Real Chart. Back in the late 70's a paper was published that was aimed at the pop market. It was called Superpop, sadly it didn't last long. But it was good while it lasted. At first it featured the British Market Research Bureau's top 75 chart, copying the style it was laid out in trade paper Music Week. Perhaps because it was also used by rival music paper Record Mirror, at the end of June it changed to a chart published by another music trade paper Record Business Magazine. There top 100 chart was being used by commercial radio stations for some time before. R.B.'s top 100 started in 1978! 
It had several advantages for Superpop, the first being it was a top 100! It was also claimed to be more accurate as it used a sample of 300+ shops, whereas the top 75 used only a max of 250 shops. However it also used an element of radio airplay in determining the chart positions. So it was more like the USA chart in that respect. However it also suffered from chart hyping like the other one. Though Superpop went bust in January 1980, taken over by rival Record Mirror, Record Business continued to produce a top 100 chart till the middle 80's I understand. The top 40 or 30 being broadcast by Independent Local Radio Stations till it's close, when the switched to the MRIB top 75, another chart that used airplay, but not in the top ten.
Superpop was printed on newsprint and each page is about A3 in size. Having recently got an A3 scanner I decided to scan the pages to show you all.
However I should tell you that the sheets are not in good condition. The pages have become a bit tatty in places. Also they were folded for storage, so they are creased as well. The newsprint has aged too. Worse still cuttings have been removed from them, so there are holes!
A couple of the chart pages have not survived, or due to holidays are absent.
There's some scribbles in places too, however some of it is helpful. Such as the weeks in charts (blue pen numbers) and green lines under records that fell out the following week.

There are some good things too. Such as radio stations playlists for the week in question.
The ones that include the top 75 charts (playlists) have often local sales top ten of the radio stations, except Radio Hallam who always supplied their hit picks! 

Here's a sample so you know what to expect!

Here are the links to the Superpop pages. I couldn't upload the full file so I have split them into 4 files. You get two months of chart for each file. The purple links will work now.

This last one contains odd bits of charts I found from broken up papers (at the end page).

These two have just been found....

PS I have not kept any of the full issues of the paper, only these bits of chart pages.

New Information
I have been given scans of the Record Business Top 100 Charts from the start in 1978 to 1979. However because they are big PDF files and also taken from the British Library I cannot post them here.
Nevertheless I can try and extract the charts and post them here. This might take some time! And what format they will be in I don't know yet. But please don't request them. They will be uploaded here when I have sorted them.

I did try to put the PDF images into Serif DTP. It's supposed to recognise the fonts and type and convert it to text. It didn't recognise even the large typefaces and made the whole thing just an image file.   

Have now scanned the 1979 charts as there are less of them. Quality is OK, you should be able to read them. Thought they would come out better, but as the A3 scanner is playing up I had to use the Epson printer scanner, which is very slow at scanning. Great for printing, but crap at scanning. The Cannon printer scanner I had was great at scanning and rubbish at printing! Ah well you can't have both!!
Record Business Magazine split the chart into two sections 1 to 60 then 61 to 100. They also had a "ones to watch" section, if these are there they are included. The charts date from January to March.
Many thanks to the British Library for them.
I have also been sent photocopies by a Blog Reader of the Record Business Charts for the whole of 1980. I have split the charts into two files. They are black & white copies of the coloured pages. The scans are originals and show up the flaws of the copier such as out of focus text. The first file has all the charts from January to May. The second file has all the charts from June to December. Unfortunately the person that copied them either forgot to do the August chart pages that contain the 61 to 100, or was not able to do them. So you will only see the 1 to 60 pages and a blank sheet will the words that the page is missing. He has also sent me some of the other years and these will be posted shortly.
Record Business 1980 charts June to December PDF

British Library Copies
I have also been contacted by Stewart Hardman who has visited the British Library in London and copied the chart pages with his Camera Phone. Now this is not as easy as it sounds. For the Record Business Magazines are in tightly bound volumes so the pages will not go flat. And because the camera lens is not as adjustable as the human eye the depth problem can cause the pages to go out of focus. So some pages are harder to read than others. I think in some he has compensated by taking another shot of the page. He's also done some of the Album Charts that R.B. did. Some of these shots I have noticed he captured other charts such as the Independent Single Charts, though they are from complete. Stewart tried to do the 1979 albums, but the results were too poor to upload to the site. 
Record Business 1979 Singles
Record Business 1980 singles Page 2 only   
Record Business 1980 Full albums
Record Business 1981 Singles Part 1
Record Business 1981 Full Albums
Record Business 1981 Singles Part 2


I thought you might like to see these interesting snippets form the actual pages of Record Business telling us about how the chart was compiled.














The Network Chart

Following on from the Superpop charts, a company called MRIB started to produce a chart mostly for Independent Local Radio Station's that combined together to broadcast The Network Chart. Only the top 30 was broadcast between 5pm and 7pm and was in direct competition with the BBC chart. It had one advantage over the BBC chart in that it was compiled by Friday a few days before the transmission of the show. This meant that is was faster than the BBC chart who were broadcasting the chart the week before! However unlike the BBC chart it had an element of Radio Airplay in it.
It was carried by the pop paper Number One, which came out midweek and therefore had to carry the previous Sunday chart. I collected the paper and I can now present the Network Chart to you. Starting with 1985.
However.... It seems that I can't find the January charts, except one, so they start in February!!!
Number One presented them without any dates on the pages. But they did include the last week, weeks in chart, highest position, figures. Though I think you'll find that the highest position are not always right!! I have marked the ones that have fallen out. And put what I believe is the date. Another number is inked on some charts, these are the Number One Issue Numbers.

Update - missing charts from January and from the main file have been found and are in the marked linked.

Network charts 1986

Network charts 1987

Network charts 1988
The first set of these charts copied the style of the 1987 charts. They again are not complete, but some do include the album, video, indie 45's, dance 45's and heavy metal 45's. 
I scanned them at only 240 dpi, first without using the descreen setting. Printed material can't show shades as seen in pictures etc so they are converted into dots, this fools the eye (or more correctly the brain) into seeing the shades. However a scanner or camera when making an image producers weird visual effects when it sees a screened image. This might make them hard to read. I scanned this batch using a HD monitor and when I looked at the finished results, I found them hard to read.  You will be pleased to here that I have now rescanned them with the Canon at 400 dpi. The old low quality one kept to show the difference.  

The next set of network charts were scanned at 300 dpi with a descreen. 
Number One Magazine decided to change the design again. They put on a huge logo for the Network Chart and split the top 10 away from the top 75. Also the top ten included the covers of the singles. Like with me this proved to be popular with those who wanted to use these pictures for tape covers. So you will see some missing! The top 75 went on the next page with some of the other top ten charts. The albums went on to a third page. Since it takes about just over 3 minutes to scan one of these pages. I decided to leave off the album page. However the good news is I will scan the entire batch and post it at a later date. 
As always there are missing issues. Though I can't find any trace of them! But I do remember one issue they put a free gift of some scratch and sniff cards. But it smelled so bad we had to chuck out the entire issue!!!
There is one of the 11 to 75 section missing. The top ten is there, but I can't find the rest!

I have recently come to the conclusion that if there was a holiday or something that would cause a big delay to the production of the Number One paper then the issue was never published. However for some reason the issue number - such as issue 248 in the 1988 series - was treated as if it was printed and then the next one actually published was given the next number (249) rather than giving it issue 248. This was perhaps done to avoid production errors when supplying artwork to the printers. Or maybe the issue was indeed "sett up" but never sent to the printers!  
I have split them up for ease of scanning and for those who haven't got a good download speed!

Network Charts 1989

Number One continued to use the new style of 1988 till March 89, then changed over to doing it sideways on. Or Landscape A4 rather than Portrait. However they run it too close to the edge of the paper and the scanner cannot fit the entire page on. However this only effects an advert for a record on the bottom. The charts are intact. There is one or two images cut out. This does effect an Indie chart.  There's an amusing mistake on one page of the January to March PDF. It's on issue 294 (8/2/89). A photo of Sam Fox is credited as being Morrissey!
I've used the A3 scanner for both of these PDF's. It's quicker when scanning though is prone to a few more errors. However it does create larger PDF files.
Various Charts and other items
Now a first! A Full issue!!!

Thanks to the purchase of a new scanner, the Canon LIDE 220, I can scan things much quicker and produce a decent PDF file of multi pages. So I have done a test of the scanner with a full issue of the paper. Due to the fold action some of the pages moved so there is some side cutting off, especially as the paper wasn't quite A4 in size, but it's very readable the quality. The issue was picked at random and there was a page that had something cut out. But if you have never seen the paper it does give you a feel as to what it was like. The file is 10MB in size - 42 pages.  

As requested by blog reader, I have scanned the Dance, Independent etc, not covered or included in the other Network Charts. Sadly many of these were not kept or are mixed up. I have used the A3 scanner to get them, but the side effect is to leave a black border around not "A3" sheets. If you wanted you could get it removed using a PDF editor if it's a problem.
Also included in this section is a single sheet of the MRIB best sellers for 1988.
Plus On the PDF called "How Charts are Formed" is various articles from Pop Papers on the differences between the MRIB and Gallup Charts, an interview on how Mark Goodier did the Radio One top 40, a 1983 article on the Dataport machine used by Gallup, plus Pete Waterman from 1989 on chart sales. 

The charts compiled by MRIB continued to be used by Number One Magazine till it's demise in August 1990. In this set of PDF's are included the top 75, chart triv page, 75 albums, plus a multitude of top ten charts featuring Indie, Metal, Video and Film.
With all of these it makes them big files. So I have split them up. Starting with Part One which covers January to March. 
Part two has the first chart missing altogether, the entire issue is also missing. There are two missing odd charts, which has been cut out from the main body of the magazine. These are missing at the moment, but might turn up later.  A third was found and added at the end, together with the id page it belongs with. The last chart featured has the front and rear covers of the magazine, plus the page contents page. If you look closely at this it shows that it has been issued by the BBC.    

Number One did reappeared on September 29. But it had been taken over by BBC Magazines. As a result they changed the charts to those used by the BBC IE: CIN/Gallup. I suppose you would expect that, since the BBC pay for the CIN chart!!! Also you wouldn't expect them to use the chart used by Independent Radio, the competition to the BBC Radio One.  However the magazine was just competing with Record Mirror by using the Gallup Charts, being just a little more "glossy" than RM as it became known. But it was up against Smash Hits too. In the end the BBC ended "Number One" and just put out "Top of The Pops" magazine instead.  

Thanks to another Chart watcher Dave Taylor I'm able to bring you scans on PDF's from another Music paper called Sounds. These all date from 1981 to 1985.
Sounds (as you will see) from the first few 1981 charts started by using the Official Chart. Sometime in the year it switched to the Record Business Chart top 100. Later on it went over to the MRIB chart.
These are an excellent collection of charts and don't just included the singles charts. As there are albums and Independents just to name a few.
The scans themselves were done by Dave Taylor, who I would like to thank for them. Sounds was a newsprint paper and didn't use colour (at least not on these chart pages). Newsprint goes yellow over time and so hence the colour of the scans.  
As with all these Pop Papers deadlines on holiday days mean missing charts. However there are some gaps in these PDF's that probably won't account for them. I suspect either Dave didn't have a copy or they have got lost in time.

I am sad to report that since these charts were done that Dave Taylor has passed away.

1981 and 1982 are the completest ones he has sent. Though 1982 stops short in the first week of December.
The 1983 PDF consists of just two charts for January.
The 1984 & 1985 start in December of 84 and end in the middle of February 1985.

Various Charts - as requested by blog readers!

As requested by reader CSR (see comments below) I have scanned what's left and what I have so far found to a PDF file of the Various Charts featured in Number One paper. Sadly there's only 13. Plus one or two have been chopped up a bit. They consist of: USA singles and albums (top 30 Billboard), UK Dance 30, Independent Singles 30, Readers' Chart, Writer's Chart, Video top 10. Plus a top ten chosen by an artist. The Dance, Independent, Video charts are all compiled by MRIB. 
They were scanned with the A3 scanner, even though they are only A4 in size as it's quicker. I've put a white sheet of paper around each page to stop the black background of the scanner. I could do them as an A4 scan, but the Epson scanner is much slower when you increase the quality. Having said that the A3 scanner is playing up, so any future ones might have to be done with the Epson. This issue has now been resolved thanks to the purchase of the Canon.

Melody Maker article from the year 2000
In this article by music paper Melody Maker from May 2000, the paper speculates about if the charts still matter or have they gone down the toilet, thanks to boy bands, girl bands, and UK garage acts! 
And they hadn't even heard of One Direction and The Saturdays!

Music Papers - New link

Below is a link to an American site that has started to upload full editions of the various Music Papers both from the UK and USA. Though not yet complete there are loads of downloadable PDF files of the weekly pop papers, including Record Mirror, Disc, Melody Maker, Record Business and even some Music Week's. As well as the Billboard and other American charts. Have a good look for it includes publications for anything to do with the TV and Radio world. 
To save a file, right click on the file and select "save link as". Otherwise it will open the PDF file.
Files in Grey are not yet available. They will also copy any old papers you have (postage costs included apparently, but check first). 
I have selected the Record Mirror page for the site. But you can select any of the others from the menu "Music Magazines" and then Music Industry. 

Chart Runs

These below are chart runs of various charts, including for the first time Music Echo Charts! Music Echo was one of the first papers to publish a top 100 chart. And it did so at the height of the 1960's when the Beatles were at full power from 1964 to 65! These chart runs are being supplied to me by Blog reader Kjell Naas. He has worked very hard to sort out these chart runs and his hard work will be much appreciated by all who see them. 
I also have the original PDF of the charts, see below.
Chart runs by the way are listings of each hit week by week. For example: The Beatles - I Feel Fine: 1,1,1,1,2,2, etc....

Independent Local Radio Charts

I can now bring to you Capital Radio Charts starting with the very first top 40 charts from 1974. Capital Radio was the first ILR station to start broadcasting in 1973, covering the London area. The charts were devised by the station itself based on the musical policy of Capital. Therefore unlike the proper charts they were not based on sales of a record. This makes them much faster at picking up new hits. Though not all records made the Capital Chart. The station would exclude records it didn't like or thought were too silly to play on air. Just because a record was a top seller nationally didn't mean it would ever see a position on Capital's chart. Likewise many records that have become known as turntable hits (because they were played by DJ's a lot) also didn't make the sales charts, but have made these charts. 
Capital broadcast these charts on a Saturday and a few listeners noted them down on sheets of paper. Thanks to a couple of these listeners I can bring you these charts. Of course when human beings write down things from the radio, they can misspell the names and titles of the records. If they missed the DJ saying the name or if the DJ didn't say it, then the person writing them down might get the title from the song. And as artists sometimes say words in a song many times, but call the song something different - errors will appear in the listings. 
Capital also would put records in their chart that only they had access to at the time. The public couldn't actually buy the records for at least another week. Or they had just been issued they day before the chart came out. In-fact it's possible that some records featured on these charts never made it to record shops, whilst other made it weeks later. 
For all these problems of spelling, correct titles and artists, release dates. Readers should search the original titles on the 45 Cat website.
The first of the these Capital Charts from 1974, were written down by Howard Pizzey and John Shirley. The copyright on these 1974 chart(s) belongs to them. Anyone wishing to use them for publishing purpose should contact me, using the comment box below (mark it Private - so it won't get published on the blog) and I will forward the request to them.     

The 1975 and 1976 Capital charts will be posted eventually!

A Request... If anyone wrote down any other Independent Local Radio charts - not the network charts which are on here - could they send me a copy of them so I can put them on this section of the blog. To contact me just post a message below in the blog comment box and mark it private, so it doesn't get published and I will get back in touch with you. 

Music Echo Charts from the 1960's.
 Music Echo published a chart that was larger than the top 50 that features in the British Hit Singles books. They started with a top 100 on December 3 1964, which was credited to Mersey Beat.
They continued publishing a chart till 1966, but by that time it had gone down to a top 50. Although it was always meant to be a top 100, the actual size of the chart varied a lot. The paper's explanation for this being low sales among it's panel of shops. 
Although these charts are interesting, simply because they are bigger and therefore included more records. I find them to be less accurate than the other charts of the period. Perhaps this was because they probably didn't use enough shops to get a proper balance. Records do see to drop out and return too often. The lack of shops taking part will explain why they have to drop the chart to a 75 and a 50 at times. Nevertheless they do have some odd records in the charts which are not found in the other charts. The charts varied in design over the period in question with some fitting on one page while others go over two. The images were supplied to me by Alan Smith in a PDF format. I have merged them together to form a single file. The original images are poor quality photo copies of the newsprint. One should also be aware that the artists and titles of the records have sometimes been changed by the Newspaper. And are sometimes are not what is credited on the original records. Readers are advised to check each title of a not so well known track on the 45 Cat site. 
The first file is the very short (4 pages) for 1964.  
The 1965 charts are split into two PDF files. The first January to the end of June and the next July to December. Most of the pages are orientated Portrait style, though some are turned on their side. If the chart was too big to fit on an A4 sheet when being photocopied, then the rest will be reproduced on the flowing page. There are two odd fragments of charts from 1965 left over. These could be duplicates or second versions of the charts. They can be found on the end of the 1966 charts.
The 1966 charts run from January to April and as I said are only a top 50.

Music Echo Charts January to June 1965 New
Music Echo Charts July To December 1965 New
Music Echo Charts January To April 1966 New


  1. As a fan of the Network Chart and Kid Jensen's show back in the day, a massive thank you for sharing these charts! So nostalgic to see them again. Could you please post the charts for '87 and '88? Thank you so much. Very best wishes!

  2. Do you have full rundown of indie, dance, heavy metal charts from 1986-1987 or just the ones you've scanned on here already?

    1. If Number One magazine covered them I should have them, assuming I didn't cut them up. I will try and post them ASAP.
      The good news is that the A3 scanner is now working again and I will be posting some more Network Charts in the next two weeks (posted 22/9/13).

    2. Thanks! It'd be interesting to see them! Especially since they tie in with my favourite music programme "The Chart Show".

    3. By 1989, "The Chart Show" was compiled by different source to M.R.I.B., as the show had moved to ITV at that point! Weird to see the differences here!

  3. Where you able to find rundowns of those Indie, Dance and Heavy Metal 45s?

    1. Some of them just added. I like to keep my readers happy!

    2. And you most certainly have! Thank you very much!

      Though I'm curious - when the magazine was redesigned by March 1988, did they drop the Heavy Metal 45s from the lineup?

    3. I have checked those 1988 papers and yes they did drop the Heavy Metal Chart. Apart from the charts in the PDF, the only ones left are the top 75 albums, which I will post at a later date and 3 top tens - video rental, film, music video. Which for the moment I wont bother posting.

    4. As a final request, could you please upload the Dance and Indie scans of the 9 April 1988 edition, if you still have it?

    5. Yes well spotted only the top 10 for that edition is there! I have had a good look round and though most of the rest of the magazine is there, that page, which includes 11 to 75 singles is missing. So far I have not found it anywhere. If it turns up I will add it under the main file. But don't hold your breath for it going up!

  4. Did they have the likes of Indie charts Dance Charts in No.1 prior to Oct '86?

    1. Yes Number One did. The page consisted of the US singles and albums UK top 30 dance, 30 Indie, Readers chart plus a few odd ones. I do have some of them from 1985 onwards, but they got the brunt of my scissor attacks for making tape covers. I'll try to piece what's left into a PDF file in the next few weeks.

    2. Cheers! It's interesting seeing what was in the genre based charts before "The Chart Show" came about. I look forward to checking out possible uploads in the future.

  5. Other than No.1 were there any other magazines that used MRIB charts that featured Heavy Metal 45 rundowns?

  6. Record Business Magazine split the chart into two sections 1 to 60 then 61 to 100. They also had a "ones to watch" section, if these are there they are included. The charts date from January to March.
    Many thanks to the British Library for them.
    Graham, i appreciate what you've been doing on your blog and all your research work is superior. However i suppose it's not quite fair to thank the British Library when the scans were provided by a certain person who researched it and paid his own money for this information. I don't mind you're posting them here, but at least you could have gave me a "thank you" note and asked my permission for spreading this widely.

    1. Really sorry about that Andrey.
      I was on the understanding that you wouldn't mind the information being used on the blog. I didn't want to quote your name as we don't actually have permission to use them, therefore giving you a credit could have caused some problems for you. I thanked the British Library on the hope that if someone from there does seem them that they wouldn't object.
      With that in mind if anyone does object to the use of the British Library Record Business file being used, please contact me using the reply system ( if you don't want the comment publish mark it "PRIVATE") as all comments are approved before publishing. And the file will be removed.
      I should also point out Andrey that these are much lower quality scans than the ones you sent me and edited versions. Just to reassure you.
      PS I thank you for you hard work as I'm certainly everyone else will who will read them. And once again my apologies.

    2. Graham, it's alright.
      I'm not sure if a Library has any rights for the materials they store. These are different things i suppose. I believe the newspapers have all the rights, not the Library.
      However i may be wrong.
      You've got a really great collection of hard-to-find Network Charts here. I'm glad that i managed to contribute to your blog.
      Thanks for so called "other charts". I'm also interesting in all those indie, heavy metal, disco, reggae, 12-inch and video charts.

  7. Do you know any magazines that covered Heavy Metal charts from 1986 - compiled by the M.R.I.B. or otherwise?

  8. Please can you advise the Sounds chart from 3 Octber 1981 is shown as BMRB/Musci Week but should it not have been Record Business? Or was it BMRB top 100?

    Also, some charts go over two columns due to pictures. Can you please asek your contributor if he has the missing numbers at the end of the chart that are shown somewhere else on the page?

    We are still now only missing charts from 1978 to 12 September 1981 for Record Business. If anyone can help please let us know.


  9. This Record Business Chart was always a top 100 from when it started to when it finished. Sometime in the 80's I think.
    A second company took over from it for use on the ILR network calling themselves MRIB, there chart was a top 75 only.

    The Sounds papers were supplied to me by Dave Taylor. There's a rumour going around that he might have passed away. I have sent him an e-mail over a week ago, but so far no response.

    I don't have permission to put the copies of the early Record Business magazines on my blog due to them coming from the British Library and they were given to me by a private source.

  10. I would like to point out to the person(s) who keep trying to post messages here which are to advertise products which would not benefit the readers of the blog. To stop doing so as Google simply detects them as spam and they will never see publication. They will BE DELEATED and NEVER appear here.

  11. Hi everyone, I'm looking for details of the MRIB Top 500 of the 1980s which was played on local independent radio stations between 30th December 1989 and 1st January 1990. If anyone can help I'd be grateful. Thanks, Andy_JS

    1. If you try the following think and work your way towards the bottom this link should solve your query.

    2. Hello wrangerljeans, I've only just seen your comment, but the link doesn't seem to be working. Do you have another link that does work or more information? Sorry for the delay in replying but I haven't been back to this topic for a few years. (I did find the magazine cover at this link:
      Thanks, Andy

    3. Andy the link you have got will take you to the full pages of the issues. You have to click on the year then click on the issue you want. This will take you to a flickr page where you download each page in the issue.

  12. What happens if a hit single has a sales increase over 50% in its first week. I am trying to find how hit singles enter the top 200. Because Gallup did in 1983 to 1994.

    1. The sales increases only apply to those that have been released after two weeks on the Official Charts. However a record might not enter the chart in the first week, but land outside the listing entering the following week.
      Records entered the chart when a panel of shops sold so many copies. Or that was what supposed to happen. However certain known "chart" shops would add false sales or would be targeted by sales reps from record companies to buy records into the chart. Some shops were able to sell records by getting them cheap or free from the record companies, which they would pass onto the public at full price, the shop keeping all or a larger take of the till sale. Record reps could easily spot the chart shops as they could see the machines that Gallup installed in them. Record shops had to buy the records from the Record companies. Nevertheless they had no idea really which singles would sell. So they were told by record companies. It was easier to stock the more well known artists, as they knew they would sell. They were also reluctant to re-stock records in decline on the charts.

  13. what happens if a hit single has a peak position in its first week on chart.

  14. what happens if a hit single has a peak position in its first week on chart.

  15. Hi Graham -- I'm really interested in Beach Boys statistics and was amazed that "I Get Around" was number one on 2nd August and 16 August 1964 in the Real Charts. Short of posting all the 1964 (and 1963) Real Charts, could you let me know what sales a number one would score for one week in August 1964?

    1. Hi Garbonza it's very likely that when the 1969 charts are complete that I will be starting the 1963 and 1964 charts. At the moment there is enough new release information from the music papers to cover those years. Admittedly the NME papers are sadly lacking in that respect with less than five for each of the years that I have got from the American website. However I do have copies of the NME charts for that period. As for the sales on the number one disc, I can't give you details on them. But I suggest you have a look at the PDF of the 1965 charts. That does list the sales of the number ones and will give you an idea as to what a typical number one sells.

  16. Would be great to see Media Research Information Bureau 1981-1985 as well as late 1990-2008 as well as 1974-1981 under this plain Capital alias in full one day as the chart was different to the normal.

    Maybe a Capital Radio contact who produced the show from Capital Countdown until the end will send you the full vault of chart master papers now that the company making them has folded and we can get a full history.

    1. I do know that the Capitol Radio chart was NOT based on sales, but used a factor of what DJ's selected to play and what the station thought was popular. This allowed them to have records in the chart that were not selling or even released yet. The chart was thus tailored to meet the stations audience, many of whom did not buy records. For example certain artists were excluded, such as Showaddywaddy, even if the records were top of the other sales charts!

  17. Did the funky Heart or Smooth variant my Dad told me about a few times even exist they apparently used either MRIB master charts as all verient Network Charts do but then when the show was on they would so called still collect the sales figures on top of their main information so the Number 1 could change any time during the show?

    And this Spotlight Publications takeover there was a Spotlight Magazine but how would that actually work out for a British Chart as the magazine was Irish so the Network Chart would have used Irish Charts not UK ones.

    Was it just NRIB chart in disguise again from later NME magazines for the later spots with a Gallop Top 10 like the funky Capital verient NRIB before then rebranded under the Irish name as before Irish Spotlight took over they changed to this funky hybrid format for a while anyway?

    But the funky Heart or Smooth my Dad forgot which one it was variant sounds even more interesting if it was the existing funky Spotlight Format for Capital to begin with as that was funky as it was already if that one is indeed being Irish owned was just a rebranded Hybrid Gallop/MRIB chart put out by the Irish for the British branding but then on that Gallop 1-10 flipping it up even more with those up to date numbers during the recording.

    I still don't believe any such chart existed.

  18. In M&M Magazine on one of the links as there seems to be no other source for 1991 - 1994 the final year when MRIB stopped the radio chart shows side of their business anyway did the standalone MRIB UK Chart Entries within the Coca Cola Euro Top 100 Chart and the results is a wildly different and probably more accurate Top 10 to the standalone Pepsi MRIB Top 10 I thought this would be very interesting stats for you indeed Graham.

    MRIB Coca Cola Network Chart 09/03/1991 (Top 42) Pepsi Network Chart MRIB 09/03/1991 (Top 10)

    1 Sadeness Part 1 - Enigma 1 The Simpsons - Do The Bartman
    2 Do The Bartman - The Simpsons 2 Nomad feat. MC Mikee Freedom - Devotion
    3 Seal - Crazy 3 Oleta Adams - Get Here
    4 Gonna Make You Sweat - C&C Music Factory 4 Source & Candi Staten - You Got The Love
    5 3 A.M. Eternal - KLF 5 KLF - 3 A.M. Eternal
    6 (I Wanna Give You) Devotion - Nomad feat. MC Mikee Freedom 6 Kim Appleby - G.L.A.D.
    7 Innuendo - Queen 7 Free - All Right Now
    8 Get Here - Oleta Adams 8 808 State - In Yer Face
    9 You Got The Love - Source feat. Candi Staton 9 Madonna - Crazy For You
    10 Cry For Help - Rick Astley 10 Praise - Only You
    11 G.L.A.D. - Kim Appleby
    12 Go For It! (Heart & Fire) - Joey B. Ellis & Tynetta Hare
    13 Play That Funky Music - Vanilla Ice
    14 Because I Love You (The Postman Song) - Stevie B
    15 All Right Now - Free
    16 I Believe - E.M.F.
    17 Here Comes The Hammer - M.C. Hammer
    18 In Yer Face - 808 State
    19 Crazy For You - Madonna
    20 Only You - Praise
    21 What Do I Have To Do Kylie Minogue
    22 Auberge - Chris Rea
    23 Wiggle It - 2 In A Room
    24 Outstanding - Kenny Thomas
    25 Think About... D.J.H. feat. Stefy
    26 Blue Hotel Chris Isaak
    27 Heal The Pain - George Michael
    28 Good Times - Jimmy Barnes & INXS
    29 Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash
    30 Our Frank - Morrisey
    31 Move Your Body (Elevation) - Xpansions
    32 Mercy Mercy Me/I Want You - Robert Palmer
    33 Every Beat Of The Heart - Railway Children
    34 Love Walked In - Thunder
    35 Hippychick - Soho
    36 Games (The Kids Get Hard Mix) - New Kids On The Block
    37 Coming Out Of The Dark - Gloria Estefan
    38 Beautiful Love - Julian Cope
    39 Can I Kick It? - A Tribe Called Quest
    40 Love Rears It's Ugly Head - Living Colour
    41 Unfinished Sympathy - Massive
    42 No Woman No Cry - Londonbeat

  19. Hi Graham. Thank you for all of the work and information. I find it fascinating. As a teenager in the 1970's I subscribed to Record Business magazine but unfortunately never kept any of them. I have been looking for the Record Business Top 100 weekly singles charts from 1978. Have these been published anywhere at all as I am still navigating my way away the site and haven't found them as yet. Many thanks :)

    1. Hi Barry. Go to the sites worth checking on here and select Music Papers - Record Mirror and others. You will find them there.

    2. Graham and Barry, I can't find the Records Business 1978 charts. Can you point me in the direction of them. Also, does anyone know where I can find their charts from 1982 and 1983? Much obliged, Wayne.


  20. Thanks Graham. Found them now :)
