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Sunday, 20 January 2019

Why Margot Robbie could have stayed as she is now to play the Queen Elizabeth, with just a few years added on!

Margot is now aged 28, but at 54 (her age at Mary's death in 1587) Queen Elizabeth could compete with a girl of 18 for youth and beauty.  But how is she made up like in the new movie about Mary Queen of Scots?  Like this:

Meanwhile Robert Dudley has gone the opposite way to Elizabeth changing from a white man to a black man!
The truth of the matter is that everyone in Elizabethan England saw the Queen looking like that of the modern actress Margot Robbie. While the real Queen Elizabeth saw herself as that which Margot portrays.  
So now you are thinking women can't longer in the 50's. But these headlines from Woman Magazine show that's not true.

  Leeds mum Pamela is actually 52, but has often been mistaken for her 21 year old sons girlfriend… rather awkwardly for him! 

Christie Brinkley (56) has always been a mega babe, with glossy blonde locks, a three-time Sports Illustrated cover-worthy body, and a dazzling megawatt smile.

The original 80s supermodel, Cindy Crawford was the ultimate poster girl for natural beauty with her super shiny locks, naturally white teeth and glowing skin. 20 years later, she ‘s barely aged a day!

Then of course even the reincarnation of Queen Elizabeth is still young looking at 52.

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